Uršula Čebron Lipovec
Office hours

1st semester: Thursday, 12.10-1.10 p.m.

2nd semester: Tuesday, 12.10-1.10 p.m.



Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Uršula Čebron-Lipovec

Uršula Lipovec Čebron (born 1975 in Koper) is an associate professor at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, where she lectures courses for B.A. (Ethnology of Americas, Symbolic anthropology, Anthropology of migration) and M.A. level (Medical anthropology, Contemporary migration, ethnic minorities and citizenship) and carries mentorships for B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. thesis.  Her research interests are in the areas of anthropology of migration and medical anthropology, with special focus on migration and health issues. She has conducted fieldwork in Slovenia, in the Balkans (Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina), in Argentina and Chile. In her recent scientific articles she deals mainly with health aspects of migration as well as cultural and other barriers to healthcare access, she is a co-editor of publications (Multilingual Health: Communication Strategies and Multicultural Contacts with Non-Slovene-Speaking Patients in the Slovene Healthcare System, 2019; Meanders of Medical Anthropology, 2017; Balkan Migration Route, 2016; Stories of Erased Citizens, 2011; Once upon an Erasure, 2007) and author of an medical-anthropological book Crossroads of health and illness: traditional and complementary medicines in Istria.

In the recent years she was engaged as principal researcher in the national projects (2016-2018: Multilingual Aid for Better Communication between Migrants and Healthcare Workers; 2014: SVIT - Qualitative Research on Unresponsiveness to Svit Programme etc.) and collaborated as researcher in different international projects (2018- 2020: TRAMIG – Training newly arrived migrants for community interpreting and intercultural mediation; 2016: SH-CAPAC Support Member States under particular migratory pressure in their response to health related challenges; 2015 MIPEX health strand etc.)



Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

Online sessions of studies at the University of Ljubljana

30. 01. - 31. 01. 2025
Faculty of Arts

The second doctoral conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences study programme: New perspectives in Humanities and Social sciences

09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics