Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Neža Čebron Lipovec

Neža Čebron Lipovec (1980) graduated in Art History and Italian Language and Literature in 2004, at the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana. After a period as teacher of Italian language at Language Schools, she enrolled in the »Master after Master« study in Conservation of Monuments and Sites at the oldest international school for heritage conservation, the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC), at the Catholic University in Leuven (Belgium). In 2007 she completed her master studies with a research on modernist architecture in historic city centres, analysing the architecture of Edo Mihevc in Koper (Slovenia) as case-study. She obtained her PhD in History of Europe and the Mediterranean in 2018 at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska (Slovenia) with an interdisciplinary thesis of the post-war building of Slovenian coastal towns, where she focused on the role of regionalism and traditionalism in architecture, in relation to built heritage in contested spaces.

In the years 2007-2008 she worked at the RLICC in Belgium as researcher and teaching assistant, within a establishing UNESCO chair PRECOMOS on preventive conservation and maintenance of built heritage. Her research focused on the European phenomenon of Monumentenwacht type of organisations which deal with preventive maintenance of heritage; she published a set of articles on the topic and participated at different international conferences (ie. Terra conference, Bamako, Mali January 2008; GA ICOMOS, Quebec, Canada, September 2008). Within the work at RLICC she participated at different international projects around the (ie. Conservation and Site Planning of the Fasil Ghebbi in Gondar, Ethiopia, July-September 2006; Urban Conservation of Historic Cairo, Egypt, April 2007; Preventive conservation of the Hampi Heritage Site, India, September 2008).

Since 2009 she works at the University of Primorska (UP) in Slovenia, as a researcher in the heritage field, namely at the Institute for Mediterranean heritage (today Institute for Archaeology and Heritage at the Faculty of Humanities (UP FHŠ). In the same year she started working also as teaching assistant at Up FHŠ. As a researcher she collaborated in several international (ie. Shared Culture, Interreg SLO-ITA, 2010-2014; MACC – Modern Art Conservation Centre, Interreg SLO-ITA, 2011-2014; Roof of Rock, Interreg IPA Adriatic, 2012-2015; Heroes we love, Creative Europe, 2014-2017; ExPoAUS – Extended potentiality of Adriatic UNESCO Sites, Interreg IPA Adriatic, 2014-2017; Archaeology for all – Arheologija za vse, Norwegian Funds, 2015-2017; Mitski park, Interreg SLO-HR, 2017-2020) as well as at national research projects, funded by the National Agency for research ARRS (Analysis of material culture in the coastal towns – research of dynamics of economic, social and urbanistic processes, J6-3169; Integrated peasant economy in Slovenia in comparative perspective (16th-19th Century, J6-6831). In all the projects she was in charged for topics on architectural history and conservation. In her independent research she focuses on the theory of (critical) heritage studies and the role of ethnographic methods in conservation. Since 2017 she is co-coordinator of interpretation activities in the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv in Izola, managed by UP FHŠ. She has published several scientific articles in national and international journals, she is author of several scientific papers and co-author or co-editor of scientific monographies (Edo Mihevc 2011; Servite monastery in Koper 2017).

At UP FHŠ she has worked first as teaching assistant, and since 2019 as assistant professor at the Department for Archaeology and Heritage for courses such as Basic concepts of heritage management and presentation, Practice in heritage, Basics of Heritage Conservations, Architectural heritage; Methodology of researching heritage; she collaborates also in other courses on heritage and art history. Since autumn 2019 she is Vice Head of the Department for Archaeology and Heritage UP FHŠ and coordinator of the doctoral programme Management of cultural resources and Archival studies.  In her research and teaching work she collaborates with the national Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, the Slovenian Urban Planning Institute and the National Institute for Building Engineering.  

Between 2018-2019 she worked (job position: conservator) also at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia at the Interreg project Refresh, collaborating in the preparation of the conservation project for the salt-warehouses Monfort and Grando in Portorož.

Since 2019 she is external collaborator of the Department for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, where she is assistant professor, in charge for course on Ethnological conservation.

Researcher number: 31227.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Homage to a New Town in an Old One [i. e. Homage of a New Town to an Old One] : Dequel's Bust of Pier Paolo Vergerio il Giovane. V: MAHNIČ, Katja (ur.), GOLOB, Nataša (ur.). Spomin, II = Memory, II. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: = University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2019. Letn. 13, št. 1, str. 248-263, ilustr. Ars & humanitas, 13, 1

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Post-war urbanism along the contested border : some observations on Koper/Capodistria and Trieste/Trst. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu, ISSN 0353-6777. [Tiskana izd.], 2019, [Št.] 49, str. 199-220.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža, HROBAT VIRLOGET, Katja. Between "Brotherhood among Nations" and Nationalism : Dequel's and Pohlen's Sculptures in Post-War Istria. V: VUKOV, Nikolai (ur.), KAZALARSKA, Svetla (ur.). Heroic Art and Socialist Realism : Monuments, Memory and Representations of the Socialist Past after 1989. Sofia: Cultural Arcs Foundation, cop. 2018. Str. 55-85.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža (ed.), KAVUR, Boris (ed.), OSOJNIK, Minka (ed.), ZANIER, Katharina (ed.), ROSINA, Elisabetta (ed.). Il convento dei Serviti : un monumento architettonico e archeologico nel cuore di Capodistria = Servitski samostan : arhitekturni in arheološki spomenik v osrčju Kopra = The convent of the Servites : an architectural and archaeological monument in the heart of Koper. 1a ed. = 1. izd. = 1st ed. Milano: Poliscript, 2017.

HROBAT VIRLOGET, Katja, ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Heroes we love? : monuments to the National liberation movement in Istria between memories, care, and collective silence. Studia ethnologica Croatica. 2017, vol. 29, str. 45-71.

HROBAT VIRLOGET, Katja, POLJAK ISTENIČ, Saša, ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža, HABINC, Mateja. Abandoned spaces, mute memories : on marginalized inhabitants in the urban centres of Slovenia. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta. 2016, 64, [sv.] 1, str. 77-90.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Ohranjanje dediščine modernistične arhitekture z vidika arhitekturne zgodovine : izbrani primeri dobre prakse = La conservazione del patrimonio architettonico moderno dal punto di vista della storia dell'architettura : esempi selezionati di buona prassi. V: GOLEŽ, Mateja (ur.), ROŽIČ, Janko (ur.), TOMAŽEVIČ, Miha. Povezave : gradbeništvo, arhitektura, umetnostna zgodovina, umetnost = Connessioni : ingegneria civile, architettura, storia dell'arte, arte. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, 2016. Str. 127-150.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. "I'm telling the story of the town" : places in a contested space. V: HROBAT VIRLOGET, Katja (ur.), GOUSSEFF, Catherine (ur.), CORNI, Gustavo (ur.). At home but foreigners : population transfers in 20th century Istria. Koper: University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Annales University Press, 2015. Str. 189-207.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. "Casa vecia" in "case nove" ali usoda vrtov palače Tiepolo-Gravisi. V: PANJEK, Aleksander (ur.), BRATOŽ, Urška (ur.). Palača Tiepolo-Gravisi v Kopru : odstiranje mestne zgodovine. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 2015. Str. 125-140.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Arhitekturni pomniki izgradnje Kopra po drugi svetovni vojni. Annales, Series historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2012, letn. 22, št. 1, str. 211-232.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Usode in nove rabe koprskih samostanov po razpustitvi redov s poudarkom na obdobju po drugi svetovni vojni. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije.Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2012, letn. 22, št. 2, str. 509-522.

STULENS, Anouk, MEUL, Veerle, ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža. Heritage recording and information management as a tool for preventive conservation, maintenance, and monitoring : the approach of Monumentenwacht in the Flemish region (Belgium). Change over time : an international journal of conservation and the built environment. spring 2012, vol. 2, no. 1, str. 58-76.

ČEBRON LIPOVEC, Neža, VAN BALLEN, K. Tra 'prevenzione' e manutenzione : i 'monumentenwachten'. V: BISCONTIN, Guido (ur.), DRIUSSI, Guido (ur.). Pensare la prevenzione : manufatti, usi, ambienti : atti del convegno di studi, Bressanone 13 - 16 luglio 2010. Venezia: Arcadia Ricerche, [2010]. Str. 193-202.

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