Ethnological Studies of Slovenian Diasporas
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Repič Jaka
The course explores how Slovenian society has been involved in international migration processes, focusing especially on emigration and return mobilities. We will discuss history of emigration from Slovenia as well as contemporary emigration processes, examples of establishing Slovenian migrant, ethnic or diasporic communities and their contemporary situation. Important part of the course will reflect upon Slovenian emigration studies in ethnology and anthropology, their theoretical and methodological approaches and research questions. We will present certain basic characteristics concerning contemporary social and cultural life in major ethnic/diasporic communities – especially in Argentina, USA, Canada and Australia, – as well as present issue of return mobilities. We will also discuss role of identity politics, integration and multiculturalism in these countries. Theoretically, the course is based on contemporary studies of migrations, transnationalism, diaspora and mobilities.
Temeljna literatura:
1. Brubaker, Rogers, 2005, ‘The »Diaspora« Diaspora.’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(1): 1–19. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/0141987042000289997?needAc…
2. Čapo Žmegač, Jasna, 2011, Strangers Either Way: The Lives of Croatian Refugees in their New Home. Oxford in New York: Berghahn. COBISS.SI-ID - 35651682
3. King, Russel, in Anastasia Christou, 2011, ‘Of Counter-Diaspora and Reverse Transnationalism: Return Mobilities to and from the Ancestral Homeland.’ Mobilities 6(4): 451–466. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/17450101.2011.603941?needA…
4. Lukšič-Hacin, Marina, 1995, Ko tujina postane dom. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče. COBISS.SI-ID - 56006656
Dodatna literatura:
1. Ahmed, Sara idr., 2003, Uprooting/Regrounding: Questions of Home and Migration. Oxford in New York: Berg. COBISS.SI-ID - 49843042
2. Čebulj-Sajko, Breda, 2000, Razpotja izseljencev: Razdvojena identiteta avstralskih Slovencev. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU. COBISS.SI-ID - 106261504
3. Drnovšek, Marjan, 1998, Usodna privlačnost Amerike: pričevanja izseljencev o prvih stikih z novim svetom. Ljubljana: Nova revija. COBISS.SI-ID - 73608960
4. Jansen, Steff in Staffan Löfving, ur. 2011, Struggles for Home: Violence, Hope and the Movement of People. Oxford in New York: Berghahn Books. COBISS.SI-ID - 46548834
5. Rapport, Nigel in Andrew Dawson, ur., 1998, Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of Home in a World of Movement. Oxford in New York: Berg. COBISS.SI-ID - 42469377
6. Repič, Jaka, 2006, »Po sledovih korenin«: Transnacionalne migracije med Argentino in Evropo. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta. COBISS.SI-ID - 231398912
7. Safran, Wiliam, 1991, ‘Diasporas in Modern Societies: Myths of Homeland and Return.’ Diaspora 1(1): 83–99. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236767341_Diaspora_in_Modern_S…
8. Toplak, Kristina, 2008, »Buenas Artes«: Ustvarjalnost Slovencev in njihovih potomcev v Buenos Airesu. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. COBISS.SI-ID - 241094656
9. Žigon, Zvone, 2001, Iz spomina v prihodnost: Slovenska politična emigracija v Argentini. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU. . COBISS.SI-ID - 112870656