Intercultural education
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Skubic Ermenc Klara
a) The development of intercultural education: the reasons, models and discourses of intercultural education;
b) Two main responses of education systems to linguistically and culturally heterogeneous student body: assimilationist model (foreign, Ausländer pedagogy), intercultural education (intercultural pedagogy);
c) Liberal versus multiculturalism concepts of education;
d) Interculturalism as pedagogical and didactic principle:
- Education in the context of cultural relativism
- The equality discourse vs. the deficit discourse
- Cultural heterogeneity and social stratification
- Minorities and immigrant communities and learning achievements
- Interculturalism and inclusion;
e) The drawbacks of intercultural pedagogy;
f) European and Slovenian policy in the field of intercultural education:
- General characteristics and principles of European education policy (with the emphasis on the subsidiarity principle and soft political tools);
- Political documents in the field of integration of students of immigrant background in education and the processes of policy-making);
- Intercultural dialogue; pros and cons;
- Slovenian policy concerning immigrant population in education (normative framework and implementation challenges);
g) Vocational education in Slovenia from the perspective of student of immigrant background (equity in VET, strengths and weaknesses, the place and learning achievements of immigrant students);
h) Schooling of minority communities in Slovenia:
- The cornerstones of the history of Hungarian and Italian national minorities
- The development of bilingual education in Prekmurje
- The characteristics of bilingual education (school network, the adaption of curricula, didactical models, teaching staff, post-compulsory education)
- The schooling of Italian minority in Slovenska Istra
- The aims and challenges of minority education in Slovenia;
i) The education of pedagogical staff to work with culturally and linguistically heterogeneous student body (characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the concept of intercultural competences)
1. ERMENC, K. S. (2010) Med posebnimi pravicami in načelom interkulturnosti. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 61, št. 2, str. 268-279. ID=761348
2. ERMENC, K. S. (2015) Izkušnje učiteljev s poučevanjem dijakov migrantskega ozadja v poklicnem izobraževanju. AS. Andragoška spoznanja, letn. 21, št. 3, str. 7-22 ID=269580288
3. ERMENC, K. S. (2011). Interkulturnost v izobraževanju in izobraževalnih politikah : študijsko gradivo. Ljubljana: Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko, Filozofska fakulteta v Ljubljani, 62 str. ID=48101474
4. JOSIPOVIČ. D. (2014). Avtohtonost, etničnost, narodnost in definicija narodne manjšine. V: Kržišnik-Bukić, V., Josipovič, D. (Ur.) Zgodovinski, politološki, pravni in kulturološki okvir za definicijo narodne manjšine v Republiki Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja. Str. 9-34. ID=274476800
5. KOLEDNIK, A. (2010). Podatki raziskave PISA 2006 : primerjava dosežkov dijakov priseljencev in naravnih govorcev Sodobna pedagogika. št. 1. Str. 136-154.ID=761348
6. KYMLICKA, W.(2005). Sodobna politična filozofija. Uvod. Str. 457-518
7. MEDVEŠ, Z. (2012). Ocenjevanje onkraj znanja, vrednotenje onkraj dosežkov. V: Šteh, B. (ur.). Pedagoško andragoški dnevi 2012. Preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja ter vrednotenje dosežkov v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Str. 8-19. https://pad.si/media/files/pad12_zbornik.pdf
8. MEDVEŠ, Z. et. al. (2008). Prispevek poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja k pravičnosti in socialni vključenosti: Sodobna pedagogika, št. 5, Str. 74-94. ID=761348
9. PEČEK M., LESAR, I. (2006). Pravičnost slovenske šole: mit ali realnost. Str. 79-95. ID=229959424
10. PEČEK, M., ERMENC, K. S. (2016). Izobraževanje učiteljev za poučevanje v kulturno in jezikovno heterogenih oddelkih. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 67, št. 2, str. 8-24 ID=761348
11. VIŽINTIN, M. A. (2013). Vključevanje otrok priseljencev prve generacije in medkulturni dialog v slovenski osnovni šoli. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani. Pedagoška fakulteta. Str. 6-39. ID=9902409
12. WIGGAN, G. (2007). Race, School Achievement, and Educational Inequality: Toward a Student-Based Inquiry Perspective. Review of Educational ResearcH, letn.. 77, št. 3, Str. 310-333.
Relevant papers, chapters and policy papers, available at libraries and the World Wide Web.