Gender and Religion
Lectures: 10
Seminars: 20
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Zalta Anja
The course addresses the role of gender in world religions on the basis of the historical and socio - cultural approach. It presents the historical overview of the role of gender in the major world religions, paying particular attention to the role of women: in Buddhism ( Buddhist teachings overview of the main, the situation of women in early Indian Buddhism, women in mahayana and vajrayana tantric Buddhism and contemporary problems faced by women in Buddhism), Christianity (Women in the Bible, the ideal of celibacy, the figure of the Virgin Mary, women as priests), Hinduism (Women in the Sruti literature - the Vedas, brahman, Aranyake, Upanishads, women and myths, traditions subordination of women in the bhakti tradition, women councilors in the past and today, women's representations of the Deity, women in contemporary Hinduism, the importance of widows), Islam (the role of women in shaping Islam, two versions of the devotional life of women in Islam, the rights and duties of women under Islamic law (the question of divorce, inheritance, masking, cropping), Judaism (Women in the Torah and rabbinic Judaism: education , marriage, monogamy and polygamy, family life, the creation of laws on marriage, sexuality and Niddah, virginity, divorce ...), the Sikhs (family life, monogamy, marriage fidelity, marriage widows, purdah, infanticide of female offspring ...) in Chinese religions (sexuality and fertility, marginalization of women, women and religious representatives, Yin and Mother's principle of early Taoism) in Japanese religions (Buddhism and a new religion, family and folk religion).
Izbrana poglavja iz:
• Bezjak, S. 2011, Kristusove neveste: žensko redovništvo na Slovenskem v 20. stoletju. FDV Ost. Ljubljana. COBISS.SI-ID – 256508416
• Crandall, B. 2012, Gender and Religion, 2nd edition. The Dark Side of Scripture, Continuum. London & New York. COBISS.SI-ID – 55332194
• Frank, A. 2014, Feminizem in islam: turške ženske med Orientom in Zahodom. Mirovni inštitut. Ljubljana. COBISS.SI-ID – 272250880
• Furlan-Štante, N. 2006, Manjkajoče rebro : ženska, religija in spolni stereotipi. Založba Annales. Koper. COBISS.SI-ID – 228865280
• Furlan-Štante, N.(ur.), Zalta, Anja (ur.) 2007, Ženske in religija. Poligrafi, Nova revija. Ljubljana. COBISS.SI-ID – 237917440
• Furlan-Štante, N.(ur.), Zalta, Anja (ur.) 2007, Ženske in religija. Poligrafi, Nova revija. Ljubljana. COBISS.SI-ID – 237917440
• Harcet, M. 2007, Alahove neveste: med podrejenostjo in avtonomijo, Monitor ISH. Ljubljana COBISS.SI-ID – 235903488
• Haddad, Y. Y., Esposito, John L. 2002, daughters of Abraham: Feminist Thought in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. University Press of Florida. Gainesville. COBISS.SI-ID – 3619674
• Heinemann, U. R. 1992, Katoliška cerkev in spolnost. Državna založba Slovenije. Ljubljana COBISS.SI-ID – 29463808
• Holm, J., Bowker, J. 1994, Women in Religion. Continuum. London. COBISS.SI-ID – 2558810
• King, U. 2005, Gender, Religion and Diversity: Cross-Cultural Perspective. Continuum. New York. COBISS.SI-ID – 55331426
• Maguire, D., Shaikh S. 2007, Violence against Women in Contemporary World Religion. Pilgrim Press. Cleveland. COBISS.SI-ID – 55638370
• Roald, A. S. 2001, Women in Islam: The Western experience. Routledge. London & New York. COBISS.SI-ID – 8899405
• Sharma, A. 1999, Feminism and World Religions. State University of New York Press. New York. COBISS.SI-ID – 55893090