Ethnological Didactics
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Muršič Rajko
Lectures prepare students to work with children and adults in or outside the school. They are introduced to various forms of teaching ethnological learning material and to ethnographic work at the pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education levels as well as in the context of lifelong learning. The course presents historical and comparative ways of introducing ethnological and anthropological learning material into the educational process in primary and secondary schools at home and around the world. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of ethnological and anthropological content in programs at cultural events in schools as well as to didactic work in other institutions, such as museums and research institutions. It introduces students to the didactic implementation of various workshops, summer schools, educational activities in cultural and other societies. It also touches on study groups or education and training for adults at all stages of life.
Students are firstly introduced to the presence of ethnological and cultural anthropological content at various levels of formal, informal and non-formal education in Slovenia, and then they focus on ways of introducing and addressing different target audiences of students with various content, concepts and components of ethnological systematics. In the foreground are examples of didactically appropriate presentation of some fundamental ethnological and cultural anthropological problems and concepts, such as culture, heritage, gender, space, memory, time, social distinction, etc.
During the tutorial, students also get to know selected forms of pedagogical and andragogic work in practice and actively apply the acquired knowledge within the scope of the course to examples from various environments: Slovenian, local, regional, transnational, and global. The practical part of the course introduces students to collaborative methods and skills that encourage group and individual work, group, and guided discussion, practical and experimental as well as experiential work, fieldwork and other ways of imparting knowledge with in-depth considerations and critical evaluations.
1. Brodnik, Vilma Janez Bogataj in Vito Hazler, 2015, Učni načrt. Program osnovna šola. Etnologija - kulturna dediščina in načini življenja [Elektronski vir]: izbirni predmet. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport in Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. https://www.gov.si/assets/ministrstva/MIZS/Dokumenti/Osnovna-sola/Ucni-…
2. Dracklé, Dorle, Iain R. Edgar in Thomas K. Schippers, ur., 2003, Educational histories of European social anthropology. New York in Oxford: Berghahn. [COBISS.SI-ID - 22420322]
3. Fakin Bajec, Jasna, ur. 2021, Dediščina v akciji: Poti in načini vključevanja dediščinskih praks v vzgojno-izobraževalne vsebine. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. [COBISS.SI-ID - 88748291]
4. Grafenauer, Boža in Lea Kužnik, 2011, Dediščina najboljša učiteljica: primer izobraževalnega modula za pedagoške delavke in delavce v vrtcih in osnovnih šolah. Argo: časopis slovenskih muzejev 54(2): 53−58. [COBISS.SI-ID - 16403202]
5. Kremenšek, Slavko, Ingrid Slavec in Tatjana Dolžan, ur., 1989, Etnologija in domoznanstvo. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo. [COBISS.SI-ID - 8578816]
6. Kužnik, Lea, 2014, Aktivno učenje otrok in interpretacija kulturne dediščine. V: Tatjana Dolžan Eržen idr., ur., Interpretacije dediščine. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, str. 243−254. [COBISS.SI-ID - 275968512]
7. Mills, David, 2011, Have We Ever Taught Anthropology? A Hidden History of Disciplinary Pedagogy. Teaching Anthropology 1(1): 12-20. https://doi.org/10.22582/ta.v1i1.252
8. Muršič, Rajko, 2005, The colourful discourse of the geographic Other: On race and racism in general education (Slovenian example). V: Peter Skalník, ur., Anthropology of Europe: Teaching and research. Praga 2005: Set Out, str. 37–50. [COBISS.SI-ID - 29992290]
9. Muršič, Rajko, 2006, Etnologija za šolo, šola za »narod« in »slovenstvo« za svet. V: Božidar Založnik, ur., Slovensko šolstvo: monografija. Nova Gorica: Educa, Melior, 2006, str. 73−79. [COBISS.SI-ID - 226318592]
10. Ocvirk, Matej, 2014, Etnologija kot izbirni osnovnošolski predmet in interpretacija dediščine v osnovni šoli. V: Tatjana Dolžan Eržen idr., ur., Interpretacija dediščine. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, str. 255–270. [COBISS.SI-ID - 275968512]