Literary Discourse in 20th Century Western Slavic Literatures
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Rezoničnik Lidija, doc. dr. Sevšek Šramel Špela, doc. dr. Šnytová Jana
The course deals with the principal literary models in Czech, Slovak and Polish poetry and literary theory. It focuses on the texts of the national literary canon, their developmental stages, literary periods and specifics. The selected models are presented in the specific context of the literary-historical process in individual national literatures. On the basis of discussed theoretical chapters the tutorial focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the poetics of selected authors, e.g. the Slovak poet Miroslav Valko, or Nobel laureates, the Czech poet Jaroslav Seifert or the Polish poet Wisława Szymborska.
Zajac, Peter, Sondy : interpretácie klúcových diel slovenskej literatúry 20. storocia. Bratislava : Kalligram : Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, 2014, str. 330–413. COBISS.SI-ID 65045858
Jenciková, Eva in kol.: Cítame slovenskú literatúru II (1956–1969). Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava 1998, str. 13–48, 182–192, 265–277.COBISS.SI-ID 3992674
Milčák Peter, Milčák Marián. (ur.), Ako sa číta báseň. (Dvadsaťsedem autorských interpretácií). Levoča 2013, 7–17, 21–93. COBISS.SI-ID 55997538
Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Dzudziestolecie miedzywojenne, Warszawa 2000, str. 203 – 354. COBISS.SI-ID – 34025826 (2003)
Zbigniew Jarosinski, Literatura lat 1945–1975. Warszawa 2002, 25–39, 82–90, str. 123–164. COBISS.SI-ID – 44122627 (1996)
Polska proza i poezja po 1989 roku wobec tradycji. Torun 2007. str. 11–161. COBISS.SI-ID - 48515843
Niko Jež, Poljska poezija 1939–1945. V: Alarm, poljska poezija 1939–1945. Ljubljana, Borec 44 (1992), 6-7-8, 207 str., 191-201.COBISS.SI-ID 31305728