Early Modern Philosophy 1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Kroupa Gregor
The course is an intensive study, analysis and interpretation of key philosophical texts of the continental rationalists and British empiricists. The topics to be studied include: 1.) Descartes: Doubt and the Cogito; idea of God and proofs of his existence; the Cartesian circle; proof for the existence of the material world; mind and body; the nature of material substance. 2. Spinoza: God and substance; extension and thought; the nature of mind; causality and necessity.3. Leibniz: Substances and complete concepts; theory of mind; freedom and contingency; substance and matter; theory of monads; preestablished harmony; problem of evil. 4. Locke: Theory of ideas; philosophy of body and mind; personal identity. 5. Berkeley: the philosophy of immaterialism; ideas and things; God and finite spirits; the problem of other minds; theory of vision. 6. Hume: Philosophy of mind; empiricist epistemology; theory of causality; external world; problem of personal identity; skepticism.
Required reading:
Descartes, Meditacije z Ugovori in odgovori, DTP, Ljubljana 2021, str. 11-115. COBISS.SI-ID – 89943811
Spinoza, Etika, SM, Ljubljana 1963, str. 93-186. COBISS.SI-ID - 4203520
Leibniz, Monadologija, v: Izbrani filozofski spisi, SM, Ljubljana 1979, str. 133-150. COBISS.SI-ID - 1889025
Locke, O identiteti in različnosti (Esej o človeškem razumu II.xxvii), v: Etienne Balibar, Lockova iznajdba zavesti, Krtina, Ljubljana 2006, str. 91-129. COBISS.SI-ID - 230532608
Berkeley, Razprava o načelih človeškega spoznanja, v: Filozofski spisi, SM, Ljubljana 1976, str. 49-118. COBISS.SI-ID - 270595
Hume, Raziskovanje človeškega razuma, SM, Ljubljana 1974, str. 43-192. COBISS.SI-ID - 1886721
Suggested reading:
John Cottingham, The Rationalists, OUP, Oxford 1988, str. 1-185.
R. S. Woolhouse, The Empiricists, OUP, Oxford 1988, str. 9-175.
R. S. Woolhouse, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The Concept of substance in seventeenth-century metaphysics, Routledge, London 1993, str. 14-74; 150-198.
Miran Božovič, Descartes – dvom, gotovost, norost, v: M. Foucault in J. Derrida, Dvom in norost, DTP, Ljubljana 1990, str. 73-151.