Conference ASMOSIA XIV: call for papers

Amosia XIV

Amosia XIV

The Executive Committee of ASMOSIA together with the Organizing Committee has the pleasure of inviting scholars to submit papers for the XIV International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, which will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from Monday 15th until Saturday 20th September 2025.

The conference will deal with the traditional research fields promoted by ASMOSIA with the aim of creating a basis for an interdisciplinary discussion, which should include contributions from different scientific and archaeological approaches.


1. Applications to Specific Archaeological Questions – Use of Marble 
2. Provenance Identification I: Marble 
3. Provenance Identification II: Other Stones 
4. Advances in Provenance Techniques, Methodologies and Databases 
5. Quarries and Geology (Quarrying Techniques, Organization, Transport of Stones, New 
Quarries, Stone Carving and Dressing, Hazards to and Preservation of Quarries) 
6. Stone Properties, Weathering Effects and Restoration (Diagnosis Problems, Matching of Stone Fragments and Authenticity) 
7. Pigments and Paintings on Marble 
8. Special Theme Session: »Limestones and other rocks of the Alpine-Dinaric-Pannonian area: sources, extraction and use« 

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th January 2025. Abstracts have to be prepared in English on the abstract submission form. 

All information about the conference, contacts, instructions and forms can be found on the conference website.

Organizers of the ASMOSIA XIV conference are:
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Geological Survey of Slovenia
City Museum of Ljubljana
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
Slovenian Archaeological Society
Geological Society of Slovenia


Zadnje novice

In memoriam Ida Knez Račič

Ida Knez Račič (foto: Miha Tozon)

Prof. dr. Philipp W. Stockhammer o visoki mobilnosti žensk v bronasti dobi ter sodobnih načinih komuniciranja znanosti s širšo javnostjo

prof. dr. Philipp W. Stockhammer

Nagrada Društva Mesto žensk za prof. dr. Lilijano Burcar

Prof. dr. Lilijana Burcar (foto: